Burngreave Language Support Agency


Aims and Objectives of BLSA

The BLSA (Burgreave Language Support Agency) project is working towards ensuring sustainable access and availability of language services for local residents, statutory, public, private and voluntary sectors. This has not only demanded the provision of language service but also created a shortage of translators and interpreters in Sheffield. As a result of a feasibility study BLSA has been set up to meet this shortage and to provide training and employment opportunities to Burngreave residents.

BLSA has been established with the aim to ensure the access and availability of language service in translation, interpretation, to train local people and also to provide translation and interpreting services to statutory, public, private and voluntary sectors in Burngreave and beyond.

BLSA will also address the issues of untrained people in Burngreave who are willing to become interpreters and translators by providing free training facilities and latest information to improve the skills of trainees in the all areas of life Including health, education, law, housing and others.

This document was last modified on 2008-09-11 13:54:25.