Cellar Space

Project working with young people aged 11-16 who are in danger of exclusion from school or who have excluded themselves from school. The aim is to reduce the obstacle to learning to enable the next stage in their education and personal development.

The Cellar Space works with young people who find it hard to engage with mainstream school. We are committed to providing a safe learning space for young people and believe in the importance of listening to young people and encouraging them to take responsibility for their own learning and development.

Each young person at the Cellar Space has an individual programme of work that is decided according to the expressed interest and needs of the young person. This may include arts and crafts, cooking, typing, reading and maths.

As well as the one-to-one work, the Cellar Space also offers group work around issues such as attendence and self esteem.

Referals come through schools and other agencies.

The project operates Monday to Friday, from 9am to 4pm (to 6pm on Mondays).

We have 3 core staff members, 1 volunteer and 2 teachers working on a sessional basis.

Contact Details

Di Lee (Project Leader) and Robin

199 Verdon Street,
S3 9QQ.

Telephone: 0114 272 7497

Fax: 07005 806 670

Email: robin@thefurnival.org.uk

Project leader: Di Lee

This document was last modified on 2006-06-20 11:19:03.