About Theme Groups

Each theme develops a strategy within which projects can be developed. Ideas for new and additional services for the area are put before the theme group, and once approved by the BNDfC Partnership Board the project receives grant funding, in line with the terms of a contract tailored to the project.

BNDfC Theme Managers are responsible for managing their theme area and ensuring that projects are developed and delivered in line with the strategy and objectives identified by the BNDfC Partnership Board. They are also responsible for managing the budgets identified in the Delivery Plan for their individual theme areas, ensuring they deliver value for money. Theme group managers and the Community Engagement Team have a role in engaging and re-engaging the community in this process.

To ensure effective contribution to the development and delivery of the programme, the theme group structure is split into Focus Groups and Strategy Groups.

Theme Strategy Groups are made up of nine members (eight voting):

The group’s role is to consider issues raised by theme focus groups, oversee the development of the theme strategy and approve Register of Interest Forms (RIFs) on behalf of the Partnership Board.

Each theme holds regular Focus Group meetings open to all residents and people with an interest in the regeneration of the Burngreave area.

This document was last modified on 2005-04-26 14:30:33.