Burngreave Sports Development Project

Burngreave Sports Project Logo

We are a sports development project funded by Burngreave New Deal for communities and line managed by Activity Sheffield.

The key aims of the project are to:

We want to involve everyone in the local community and would specifically like to work with the following groups:

We deliver a variety of sports sessions in local junior schools, offer weekly activity sessions, including yoga, aerobics, self-defence, basketball, girls football, gym sessions and health walks and we are looking to introduce new and exciting activities in the future. We also run local training courses such as sports coaching, child protection and first aid.

Contact: Michala Spacey

2-10 Carbrook Hall Road, Sheffield, S9 2DB.

Telephone: 01142 735719

Fax: 01142 735504

Email: michala.spacey@sheffield.gov.uk

This document was last modified on 2006-03-20 15:53:11.