The work carried out through the Employment and Enterprise theme should assist BNDfC in meeting its outcomes. The five key Employment and Enterprise theme outcomes are:
To reduce the unemployment gap between Burngreave and the city from 4.2% to 0% by 2011
To bring down the percentage of households with a household income of less than £5,000 to 25% and to bring down the percentage of households with a household income of less than £8,000 to 42.4%
To increase the number of local resident with NVQ2 or above towards the city average of 52.1% by 2011
Reduce the number of resident with poor literacy and numeracy skills towards the city average: Literacy from 33% to 25.8% by 2011, Numeracy from 35.7% to 26.6% by 2011
To increase the number of new business start ups, Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and inward investments.
For detailed information please see Table of Outcomes.