Table of Outcomes

Theme/Outcome Area Key Baseline Data: Chosen Outcome: Milestones: Relevant Govt. Floor Target
Over Arching Target Closing the gap:
OA1 The percentage of residents who have been involved with BNDfC activities is 10% (Mori telephone survey - 2002) Increase the percentage of residents who have been involved with BNDfC activities to 80% by the end of Year 10

Increase number of residents to:

Year 3: 12%, Year 6: 40%

Year 10: 80%

OA2 Percentage of residents who think the activities of BNDfC have improved the area as a place to live a fair amount or a great deal = 39% (Mori telephone survey - 2002) Increase the percentage of residents who think the activities of BNDfC have improved the area as a place to live a fair amount or a great deal to 80% by the end of Year 10. Increase to:

Year 3: 42%, Year 6: 55%

Year 10: 80%


Household income

Household Income

31.3% of households have household income of <£5k

22.4% with of households have household income of between £5k & £8k

Aspirational target:

Reduce to 25% by at the end of Year 10

Minimum target:

Reduce to 17.4% at the end of Year 10

Reduce to:

Income of £5k

Year 3: 31% Year 6 28.5%

Year 10: 25%

Income of £5k to £8k

Year 3: 22.2%, Year 6: 21%

Year 10: 17.4%






Percentage of residents who have heard of BNDfC is 71% (Mori telephone survey - 2002)

Increase the % of residents who have heard of BNDfC to 90% by Year 10 Increase to

Year 3: 73%, Year 6: 80%

Year 10: 90%



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This document was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2005-04-27 15:42:30.