Poverty Conference

Poverty Conference Workshop
Poverty Conference Workshop

The Burngreave Poverty Conference took place on Friday 8th April 2005 and attracted 150 delegates from the local community and further afield to discuss ways to address issues of poverty in the area.

The conference was organised by Burngreave New Deal for Communities and supported by a Skills and Learning Grant from the Government Office of Yorkshire and Humberside through the Neighbourhood Renewal Unit.

Delegates at the Burngreave Poverty Conference
Delegates at the Burngreave Poverty Conference
Conference Workshops
Reports from workshops at the BNDfC Poverty Conference.
Experience of poverty
Speeches by Aisha "Special K" Wilson, BNDfC Partnership Board member and Jean Smith, from SCOOP single parents group and including a poem describing the experience of poverty
Gender and Poverty Quiz
Quiz on facts and figures around gender and poverty in Britain
Keynote Speech
Contribution by Professor Peter Kemp at the Burngreave Poverty Conference.
Useful numbers
Telephone Numbers of Useful Organisations delivering services to those in poverty

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This document was last modified by Ian Clifford on 2005-07-04 15:59:57.