Gender and Poverty Quiz


1) Which are most likely to get two or more A Level passes?

a) Girls b) Boys c) Both the same

2) For every £1 earned by a man working full time, how much does a woman working full time earn?

a) 65p b) 81p c) £1.06

3) What is the personal income of partnered women with children as a percentage of equivalent men?

a) 34% b) 67% c) 89%

4) 4% of men don’t earn enough to pay National Insurance Contributions and are therefore not eligible to claim contributions based JSA, Incapacity Benefit or State Pensions. What percentage of women don’t earn enough to pay National Insurance Contributions.

a) 8% b) 12% c) 17%

5) What is the average difference between lifetime earnings of men and women with medium qualifications and 2 children living in the same area?

a) £97,000 b) £241,000 c) 493,000

6) 61% of UK pensioners have a net income of £100/wk or less after housing costs. How many of those are women?

a) 34% b) 65% c) 81%

7) What percentage of teenage mothers have no qualifications by their early 20s?

a) 20% b) 40% c) 60%

8) 90% of Lone Parents with resident care are women. 53% of Lone Parent Households are “poor”. What percentage of lone parents have common mental health problems?

a) 7% b) 14% c) 28%

9) At age 16-24, which are more likely to be a victim of violence?

a) Women b) Men c) Both the same

10) Who are more likely to commit suicide, men or women?

a) Women b) Men c) Both the same

11) What % of local councillors in the UK were women?

a) 9% b) 19% c) 29%

Mel Nicholls
Mel Nicholls
Answers to Gender and Poverty Quiz
Answers to Gender and Poverty Quiz

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