Board suggestions

Current board members have given some suggestions and comments about how we can continue to encourage residents to get involved and stay involved with BNDfC based on their experience over the last two years.

The idea of using payment to attract board members, as used by some other NDCs around the country, was examined. However, our current board members were opposed to this as they were worried that it could attract involvement for personal gain, rather than for genuine benefit to the area. It is important to attract members to our board who have a passion for improving Burngreave and participate in the themes in which they have a specific interest so that they can drive the BNDfC programme forward.

However, we recognise the time and effort our board members invest in BNDfC and we ensure they are not out of pocket by reimbursing all expenses. We also recognise the opportunities for our board members to gain skills and knowledge and, following the feedback from our existing board members, we are also going to offer more support through formalised and individual learning and development programmes.

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This document was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2005-01-27 16:23:42.