Priority Area Outcomes

  • To increase the percentage of residents who have been involved with BNDfC activities to 80%.

  • To increase the percentage of residents who think BNDfC activities have improved the area as a place to live “a fair amount” or “a great deal” to 80%.

  • To increase the percentage of residents who have heard of BNDfC to 90%.

  • To bring down the percentage of households with a household income of less than ₤5000 to 25% and to bring down the percentage of households with a household income of less than ₤8000 to 42.4%.

  • Residents will have a healthier diet eating more fruit and vegetables. The current guidance is to eat five portions a day.

  • Residents will be more physically active. The current guidance is to be physically active for 30 minutes at least five times a week.

  • Residents will not have higher levels of anxiety or depression than the normal average.

  • Residents will feel better about their health; more residents will feel they have good physical and mental health.

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This document was last modified by Doug Paterson on 2006-09-25 16:17:54.