Conclusion and Further Comment

On the whole the project proved to be very successful. Good working partnerships were created between Garden Rooms and a variety of workers and organisations in the Burngreave area.

We received a good response from people wanting to run courses and have extended our database of artists interested in this type of work.

In any future projects of this nature it would be beneficial to run a Learning Event alongside an event for Adult Learners week. Adult Learners week is a well-publicised series of events which are usually well attended. Publicising the events and courses in the Burngreave Messenger was useful as a number of participants found out about the courses through reading these adverts. Publicising the courses through word of mouth also worked well.

Three of the courses had good attendance and we received positive feedback from participants and tutors. Work produced was of high quality, evident at the exhibition.

It was unfortunate the Spray Can Art course had to be withdrawn. It would have been a better to run this course in the summer months, as there would be more options with venues as it is ideally located outdoors.

Thanks to all who worked and supported this project, in particular thanks for all the hard work and support from Tony Tingle at ACL, Rashida Hassanali at Firshill Primary School, BCAT and BALP.

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This document was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2006-07-18 18:48:43.