Get Creative! Exhibition

25th March – 4th April 2005

Burngreave Chapel, Melrose Road

This event was held to celebrate the achievements of all the participants that took part in the Get Creative! courses. The event was not in the original plan but after discussions with both BCAT and ACL we decided it would be a worthwhile opportunity to add to the achievements of the original aims of the programme.

The exhibition consisted of a display of work from each course. We held an exhibition opening for all participants, artists and workers involved in the project and anyone else interested in attending. The event was publicised around the area.

Work displayed included a photographic exhibition created by participants on the Take a Photo! Course, Mosaic mirrors completed by participants on the Introduction to Mosaic Making course and a selection of bags and cushions made by participants on the Textile course.

The event was well attended with over thirty people taking part. The work was on display for the following week for others to enjoy.

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This document was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2006-07-18 18:43:21.