Apprenticeships for all in Burngreave

A pioneering new scheme that gives people in Burngreave of all ages who are out of work the opportunity to increase their skills and gain employment is set to be launched.

Funded by Burngreave New Deal for Communities (BNDFC) and working in conjunction with Sheffield City Council's Employment Unit and the Learning and Skills Council, the Burngreave ‘Apprenticeship for all’ programme will give local people access to city-wide training and job opportunities across a range of sectors including regeneration, retail, mechanics and construction.

The first intake of apprentices are expected to be in place by December and all will leave the programme with at least an NVQ level 2 qualification and hopefully a full time job.

BNDfC itself is also expecting to take on some apprentices in the New Year as part of this initiative to give them experience of working within the regeneration field.

Trywell Kalyata, Employment and Enterprise Theme Manager for New Deal, said: "Since the BNDfC programme was established 229 jobs have been created – more than 50 per cent of these have gone to local residents. We take our role as an employer within Burngreave very seriously and want to encourage local people to take up these kind of opportunities and get involved.

“We are proud to be helping people to develop their skills and gain employment and hope other organisations across Sheffield will also want to play a part.”

If you are an employer who would like to get involved or you live in Burngreave and would like more information about becoming an apprentice please contact Trywell Kalyata at BNDfC on 0114 292 2907.

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This document was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2004-10-26 11:59:08.