Burngreave sets shining example

Award Winners
Award Winners

Burngreave New Deal for Communities (BNDfC) is celebrating its success after clinching two awards and receiving special recognition in two others at a glittering national awards ceremony.

The inaugural New Deal for Communities (NDC) Achievement Awards 2004 held in Birmingham and hosted by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister saw BNDfC win the Social Cohesion Award for the annual Abbeyfield Festival, a multicultural event which has been held for the past six years and contributes greatly to the cohesion of Burngreave's vibrant and richly diverse community. BNDfC provides funding for the event which is organised by Green City Action.

In addition, John Barber, Business Broker at Business in the Community, walked away as the winner in the Personal Achievement Award for Business Partnership for his work supporting the business community in the Burngreave NDC area as well as BNDfC programmes. John, who currently manages the BNDfC supporting business project, has also served on the Burngreave New Deal partnership board.

Singled out for special recognition was BNDfC board member Aisha ‘Special K’ Wilson, who was runner-up in the Personal Achievement – resident category. She has made a huge contribution to both the Burngreave Community and BNDfC through her tireless voluntary work which ranges from providing help and support to residents, to neighbourhood clean-up's and a children's project to name a few.

Jackie Drayton, Councillor for the Burngreave ward and Chair of the Area Panel, was runner-up in the Personal Achievement – elected representative category for her significant effort as a ward member in the development and success of partnership working with BNDfC and other organisations in the area through the Burngreave Round table.

Jeff Rooker, Minister for Regeneration, presented the awards to the winners and congratulated them on their outstanding contributions to the rejuvenation of their neighbourhoods.

The annual NDC awards are designed to recognise the achievement, dedication and hard work of individuals and groups in delivering the benefits of the NDC programme to communities across the county. They provide a tangible way for Government and local communities alike to honour individuals and organisations whose commitment and skill has enhanced people's quality of life by improving and co-ordinating essential services at neighbourhood level.

John Clark, Chief Executive for BNDfC, said: "It is an enormous honour for BNDfC to have been recognised in four awards and to win two of these is a fantastic achievement. This reflects the excellent work that is taking place within Burngreave and the positive changes that are being made.

“A special thanks to all those who are involved in making the Abbeyfield Festival such a success, to John Barber, Special K and Jackie Drayton – their success is well deserved,” he added.

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This document was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2004-12-06 11:21:21.