Making safety a priority - the fun way!

Community Safety Roadshow
Community Safety Roadshow

A Sheffield community has benefited from a special event designed to encourage local people to think more about their own community's safety.

The Burngreave community safety road show organised by Burngreave New Deal for Communities (BNDfC) promoted community and personal safety in the widest sense. It provided information on safety issues and showed people what they can do to help keep themselves safe whether they are in their own home, on the road, or just out and about.

On offer on the day were free car disk locks and personal attack alarms. There were information stalls and displays from the Burngreave anti-social behaviour team, community wardens and South Yorkshire Police who were all available to give practical advice and support.

But fun was also the name of the game. Self-defence ‘taster’ sessions were available and Greentop circus unicyclists performed in their cycle helmets. People who brought their bike got a free cycle safety kit which included a light, lock, helmet and reflective strips.

A 45-minute group cycle ride around Burngreave and refreshments and music completed the party atmosphere. Arabic, Somali and Punjabi/Urdu interpreters were available throughout the day.

Magda Boo, crime theme manager for BNDfC, said: “This was a really great, fun event. We want to make people think more about their own safety and what measures they can take to protect themselves. We are also hoped that by providing personal attack alarms and other safety devises we are not just handing out information but also giving people the means to take action themselves,” she added.

The Burngreave community safety was organised by BNDfC in partnership with South Yorkshire Police, Sheffield City Council Community Safety Team, Activity Sheffield and ADCE Recycle, BNDfC community wardens, the anti-social behaviour team, Activity Sheffield and Sheffield Homes.

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This document was last modified by Jamie Marriott on 2004-10-29 14:17:45.